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Kwon, Hyuk Jin


Pharmacist with 40 years of experience in pharmaceutical business

Experience as Managing Director of Hanseo Pharmaceuticals, Vice president of Yuhan Corporation, Celltrion Pharmaceutical.

High knowledge and experience in marketing and distribution of Pharmaceuticals, cosmetic products.

Global pharmaceutical expert with experience in drug research, development, Quality Assurance and Regulatory affairs with a proven track record of registration of products in the regulated markets as well as GMP  (Man behind Godex Capsule success)


Kwon, Jung hyun


Kwon, Soon Il

Assistant Manager

Responsible for Sales, Marketing and New Business Development.


Masters in Business Administration, Nearing a Decade of expertise in  Sales and Marketing 

Responsible for Sales, Market Analysis

Bachelors in Food & Nutrition with  experience in Quality Assurance at  CRO

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